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Tonight show we dive into the world of the supernatural, paranormal and the unknown as we explore the topic of "Mediums and Sensitives." Host Anthony Anderson and Co-Host, Verna Wilson, both paranormal investigators will discuss their personal stories and experiences in the popular topic.

This week we explore the world of "Ghosts Caught On Film." We have all seen them scattered on the internet, some on popular ghost hunting shows or programs on the subject. How many are real and how many are fake? With the advantages of Photoshop and other photo altering software, it seems anyone can "Capture A Ghost." Which ones are real? This week we explore the world of "Ghosts Caught On Film." We have all seen them scattered on the internet, some on popular ghost hunting shows or programs on the subject. How many are real and how many are fake? With Photoshop and other photo altering software, it seems anyone can "Capture A Ghost."

This week we discuss the moral ethics of ghost hunting both regarding the living, dead and private property. Provoking while ghost hunting is an interaction to induce a response and is always a concern. We will explore the good and the bad practices of this procedure and what results we expect to find. Common practice in the paranormal is to never charge for your services, but some do, and this is a growing concern among the community.

Anthony Anderson and Verna Wilson Ccver a sensitive topic this week with demonic possession. Is this a real phenomenon or is this simply a bi-product of religion? Are there really spirits out there that can inhabit living bodies, using them as hosts as they feed off the victims' energy? Tonight we welcome special guest, paranormal event host, investigator with decades of experience, Doug Carnahan. Doug will help us delve into the world of possession and hear his thoughts and views on the subject. Douglas M. Carnahan is the founder and president of the San Francisco Bay Area-based Nor Cal Paranormal Investigators, Inc. (NPI for short) Since the early 80s when Doug was physically touched and attacked numerous times in his home over a 5-month period, he has been actively seeking answers to the questions no one could answer. "When I was attacked in my home by an unknown and unseen spirit or entity, I wanted to know what was going on and why. It didn't take long for me to find out I had to get the answers myself." At that moment a paranormal investigator was born.

Anthony Anderson and Verna Wilson delve into the popular world of Unidentified Flying Objects. UFO's have been sighted all over the world for hundreds and even thousands of years. Are they real or are they a figment of our cultural imagination? How could so many sightings and symbols throughout history all be imagination and make believe? Tonight we look at the topic and how it effects popular culture and our every day lives. both believers and skeptics alike. LINDA WALKER joins us to share the latest and strangest in the world of the paranormal this week.

Anthony Anderson and Verna Wilson cover a topic that will involve almost everyone at the end of their lives, cemeteries. We are joined by guest Eric Bradner as he shares his love of history and his walking tours, even those that involve walking among the gravestones. Although not involved himself in the paranormal, we will not skip a beat in asking Eric if he has seen anything himself while wandering among the headstones. ERIC BRADNER: A Sacramento-based historian, Eric is active in the Old City Cemetery Committee, the Sacramento County Historical Society and the Punk Rock Sewing Circle. Eric has done walking tours on subjects as different as Drugs in the Old West, 1890s bicyclists and the 1980s punk rock movement. He continues his research to map the obscure and forgotten corners of our recent past, whether you like it or not. LINDA WALKER joins us to share the latest and strangest in the world of the paranormal this week.

Originally Recorded: August 24, 2016

ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON explore the macabre and vintage practice of 'Seances.' From the ancient art of calling on the spirits of ancestors to the table tipping, ectoplasmic realm of the Victorian Age, we discuss the practices, the validity and unusual fascination with this group activity. LIVE SEANCE ON AIR TONIGHT!!! We are going to hold a live on-air seance tonight on the show to see if we can contact any spirits that may near by so be sure to tune in to hear our results! LINDA WALKER joins us to share the latest and strangest in the world of the paranormal this week.

Hosts Anthony Anderson and Verna Wilson discuss the power of dreams and their origins and possible meaning. Everyone has them and everyone has some they will never forget. Call in and share your most vivid or amazing dreams with us we would love to hear from you! Linda Walker shares the latest news in the paranormal world.

ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON are joined this week by paranormal Investigator and haunted historian author, Jeff Dwyer. Listen with us and call in and join the fun as we explore Jeff's latest activities and thoughts on the world of the unknown. JEFF DWYER: Based in California's premiere wine country, north of the San Francisco Bay Area, he performs historical research as it pertains to ghostly and paranormal phenomena and investigates haunted sites using highly developed psychic methods that include remote viewing and psychometry. Jeff uses some of the material generated by these investigations to write his books. A list of published books is given on Jeff's website.

Here is our first show with legendary Horror Host, John Stanley, from San Francisco Bay Area's CREATURE FEATURES on December 13, 2017. We talk about John's journey as a horror host and taking over the established role as host to a massively popular locally produced series featuring all things horror, science-fiction, supernatural and beyond! For those that grew up in the Bay area, you won't want to miss this exciting episode! Stay tuned as John comes back to our show on its relaunch, on March 13, 2024!

ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON revisit the very MYSTERIOUS and UNUSUAL story behind the FLANNAN LIGHTHOUSE keepers of 1900. When a relief keeper arrives on the island and finds nobody around, the mystery of what they found and where the three keeps went, is where our story begins...

ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON explore the origins of this folklore and try and decide which version of the story COULD HAVE happened and which ones probably DID NOT happen.

ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON present a truly BIZARRE story from 1858. What was stored inside that BARREL in the bello of this 385 ton ship, called the BLACK HAWK? Whatever it is, its pickeled and someone is making sure it is preserved. The story behind it, is both amazing and sad.

Founded in 1899 as Hollywood Cemetery, and later known as Hollywood Memorial Park until 1998 when it was given its current name, the grounds of Hollywood's only cemetery are said to contain the spirits of some of Hollywood's more famous clientele. We explore the tales of those very ghosts and the stories that surround them. Rudolph Valentino, Judy Garland, and many others are laid to rest on the grounds, perhaps some are not yet ready to let go of their careers and lives in Tinsel Town?

In 1878, a small town in Illinois experienced an encounter that would go down in the records of the PARANORMAL as the first ever, American possession! Known simply as the "WATSEKA WONDER" it involves the spirit of a dead girl and terror she unleashed on a fourteen-year-old, Lurancy Vennum. Was she mentally ill, or was she in fact POSSESSED as Spiritualist, E. Winchester Stevens claimed!

Was MARY WEBSTER really practicing WITCHCRAFT in Colonial New England, in 1683? When accused and sentenced did she really possess the power to SURVIVE A WITCH HANGING? Judge and Deacon, Phillip Smith, was convinced that Mary was in league with the Devil!
#165 Ghosts of the Sutro Baths and Cliffhouse September 6, 2019

Built by Former Mayor of San Francisco, CA, Adolph Sutro, the SUTRO BATHS were once the largest swimming establishment in the world. Sutro’s vision was to provide an inexpensive swimming facility for San Francisco’s residents, complete with slides, springboards, trapezes, and even a high dive for the public to enjoy. A mysterious fire, remains of a SATANIC CULT LEADER and an MYSTERIOUS CREATURE are said to inhabit the remains of this once popular attraction. Some locals have even speculated that the land below the Baths might be CURSED. The CLIFFHOUSE opened in 1863 and has been through a number of fires, shipwrecks and renovations. Many believe the place is simply cursed. With all of the deaths from shipwrecks crashing on Seal Rocks before the structure, one has to wonder.

What do JANIS JOPLIN, JIM MORRISON, and KURT COBAIN all have in common? Some would say they all harbored a ROCK STAR CURSE that was put upon them by another. FLEETWOOD MAC? PINK FLOYD? ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON present the CRAZY and OUTLANDISH world of ROCK STARS and the CURSES they share!

ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON share in the holiday by presenting the STRANGEST and MOST UNUSUAL holiday traditions and practices around the world. You thought what your family did was strange, you ain't heard nothing yet! Grab your eggnog and sit by the fire!

What did an NCO encounter when he was inside his room at Dhekelia Barracks in Cyprus, in September 1968? Whatever it was the base guard dogs wanted no part of it and cowered in fear under his bunk! Imagine being along in your room in the early morning and something is coming up the stairs outside your door... What would you do? Was it a CRYPTID? Was it an ALIEN? Where did such a creature come from and how did it get onto a heavily guarded military base?

When once is a PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR, you tend to use the latest gadgets and equipment that many others utilize. We discuss the most important piece of equipment that you can use on any investigation and it does not require, batteries, accessories or add-ons, YOU! You will find you are your best source of detection while aspiring to explore the unknown and the PARANORMAL.

Hollywood legend, JEAN HARLOW married PAUL BERN, who also worked for MGM at the time. Together they shared a house in BENEDICT CANYON and their marriage was anything but bliss. The house still survives, but its new owners experienced PARANORMAL ACTIVITY. Could JEAN HARLOW have returned asking for help?

PHANTOM LIMB PAIN is a real sensation often felt by those that have had limbs removed (legs, arms, hands, etc). Sometimes they feel the sensation of their MISSING LIMBS. We discuss what this can possibly mean if you lose a part of your body, does it still continue to exist somewhere else? We also discuss the invention of photographing MISSING LIMBS and showing possible results of new re-growth efforts!

ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON share a GHOST STORY from the foggy streets of Brooklyn in 1894! What did five girls encounter in the swirling mists of KNICKERBOCKER AVENUE and scared all of them so badly they had to rush home for help? Why did the encounter escalate so far that 300 PEOPLE would return to HUNT THE SPECTRE of Brooklyn's 27th Ward? Join us and find out!

American trance medium LEONORA PIPER (1859-1950) was speculated by many to be a charlatan in her time although she was never caught or proven a fraud by any serious investigator. Leonora claimed she may or may not have communicated with those passed on, that she was never sure one way or another. Sh held thousands of sittings for some of the most skeptical researchers and maintained she was always truthful and never trying to defraud anyone. We will exam her story and discuss the possibilities and her abilities to see if we can shed some truths on this story for ourselves.

ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON welcome back MARIAH THE MEDIUM! We have a nice long chat about MEDIUMSHIP ABILITIES, GHOST HUNTING and even spend a good deal of time exchanging ideas and possible theories. MARIAH even gives us some REVELATIONS about our own lives in the NOW and IN THE FUTURE. Tune in for a very IN DEPTH conversation. MARIAH is a psychic medium and paranormal investigator who acted on her lifetime curiosity about the unexplained, first by joining a local ghost hunting group 8 years ago. Her spiritual, mediumship journey began 6 years ago, after having a career in the advertising industry and working as a concierge for over 13 years. Spirit decided it was time to be part of her life in New Orleans during a paranormal investigation, when she spontaneously channeled a spirit missing her husband who had gone off to war. Subsequently, she learned as much as she could about what it meant to be able to ‘trance channel’ spirits and practiced it as often as she could at various investigations.

Essex England, 1943 BILL RAMSEY was only 9-years old while playing in his family back garden, when something primitive overcame and changed his life forever! Incredible symptoms and experiences that continually followed Bill throughout his life lead many to believe he was actually a REAL WEREWOLF! ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON present what seems like fiction, but in fact actually took place!

ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON welcome special guest LAURIE MCDONALD, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Abduction Researcher. We discuss Abductees, therapy, beings that are visiting our world and the work she has done with helping many people who suffer from these encounters. Laurie McDonald clinical hypnotherapist and abduction researcher is on eof 27 regression therapists listed on the MUFON mental health referral list for abduction regression. She and is a scientific consultant to the research committee FREE (The Edgar Mitchel Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters)She is the Board President for OPUS (Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support) and is the founder of the Sacramento Alien Abduction & Contactee Support Group, one of California’s largest UFO and abduction groups. Laurie has been the facilitator of a number of experiencer events and is has Hosted at Contact in the Desert. She is a lifelong experiencer. Her company True You Hypnotherapy has been the winner of Sacramento’s ‘Best of ’ seven years running by promoting mind body integration through one on one sessions, empowerment workshops, experiencer group events and Empowerment Retreats. She recently was awarded the, GHP Alternative Medicine & Holistic Health Awards 2018. She has appeared on a number of radio and TV shows including the Discovery and Travel Channel’s. Laurie speaks on using the extraterrestrial experience as a catalyst to an expanded consciousness through contact. She is in the editing stage of her new book entitled: The Extraterrestrial Interference. Treating Alien Abduction Victims with Hypnotherapy Topic: UFO Laurie McDonald CCHT Hypnotherapy and the Abduction Phenomenon

ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON take a paranormal trip to the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH as we UNEARTH the CREEPY and FASCINATING HAUNTED WORLD OF DISNEY THEME PARKS! Does Walt Disney haunt the old Fire Station on Main Street? Are there REALLY GHOSTS that reside in the HAUNTED MANSION? And just where is that CRYING BOY heard in the park? Grab your MICKEY EARS and settle down as we share all the famous DISNEYLAND GHOST STORIES!

ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON welcome guest DIANA ELKINS, a Paranormal Researcher (13+ Years) and a Bigfoot Researcher (5+ Years) who has recently explored Oklahoma, Arizona and Colorado looking for the elusive creature. We will discuss the creature itself, the possibilities, and hear Diana's thoughts first hand on looking in the wilderness for such an amazing cryptid. Join us!

ANTHONY ANDERSON and VERNA WILSON welcome Paranormal Investigator, JACKIE KLEEB (from YouTube's Parakleeb) as we discuss our own investigations and experiences over the years at THE OLD UNION BREWERY in Virginia City, NV. Featured this week on GHOST ADVENTURES, the boys encountered the evil force that resides at the old saloon first hand. JACKIE will discuss her own encounters in the building and we also present some EXCLUSIVE EVP's captured inside as well as some additional UNKNOWN HAUNTED HISTORY of the old building! Tune in if you DARE!

The Atherton House in San Francisco is a 19th-century style home that was built for George Atherton. He was a successful at business, but nobody knew exactly what his business was. Spirits haunt the Atherton House even to this day and we will unpack this strange and haunting story on our first live return to the ECTO PORTAL! Join us!

We welcome back to the show San Francisco Bay Area's famous HORROR HOST, John Stanley from CREATURE FEATURES. We discuss John's early career, including his first feature film NIGHTMARE IN BLOOD, the story of a vampire in San Francisco! Of course, we will discuss his tenure in CREATURE FEATURES and the upcoming CREATURESCON event in Orinda, CA on April 14, 2024!

The story of a large, local community bath house during the Victorian era, where several deaths led many to believe that it was cursed. The site is now home to a Whole Foods store, lower parking lot. Does the curse continue to this day?

Baroness Elisabeth Alexandrovna Strogonoff de Demidoff died on April 8, 1818 and is buried in a mausoleum in the famous La Chaise cemetery in Paris. Her will, offers that if someone will stay in her tomb for a year, they will receive a fortune. So far, no one has succeeded.